- Radiant Hope was legally established and registered as a 501(c)(3) public charity.
- Partnerships were forged in Romania and India.

- Trainings held in India on trauma and child development.
- Our founder moved to Eastern Romania and began the first Flourish Group.
- The decision was made to make Eastern Romania the full-time focus.

- Flourish groups and other activities expanded to include more girls from the government orphanages and impoverished communities in our region.
- New partnerships developed, bringing in vocational trainings, counseling and job connections for at-risk youth.
- Specialized training provided to partners in India and staff training program developed in Romania including topics such as human trafficking, trauma, and child development.
- The Cooperative created as connections expanded across Europe to other NGOs serving Romanian girls.

- New collaboration opens opportunities for local workers to receive certified education on trauma.
- Started a small group for vulnerable boys.
- The Cooperative expanded in Spain and Germany.