Reducing vulnerability
Reducing vulnerability requires a holistic approach which is why we place a high value on collaboration. Through local partnerships, we are not limited by our own core competencies, but are able to address the shaded areas to the left. We have partners that can invest in the children we work with through vocational counseling and job placement, advocacy on the legislative level, promoting foster care and adoption, offering tutoring services, and much more. Together, we are tackling the roots of vulnerability, providing more opportunities and making these children less susceptible to exploitation.
Together, we are tackling the roots of vulnerability, providing more opportunities and making these children less susceptible to exploitation.
Our Focus
We live in a world full of vulnerable people. In fact, we all have vulnerabilities to a certain degree, but some of us have more than others. When these vulnerability factors begin to add up, it warrants concern. Unfortunately, there are people in the world who are looking to take advantage of other people’s pain and misfortune, and profit from it.
It’s easy to look at a developing nation where extreme poverty is rampant and understand that they are vulnerable in many ways. It’s much more difficult to see and understand vulnerability that is invisible, tucked away deep into the heart and soul of people. However, we exist to tackle this kind of vulnerability – the vulnerability that stems from abuse, neglect, and trauma.
It is more straightforward to feed the hungry or clothe the poor than it is to restore broken mindsets and hurting hearts. It’s a long, ongoing process to fight the lies that hold someone captive and misinform their sense of identity, but we desire to fill this space. We’re in it for the long-haul.